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Hallo! Although, I've written a proper review, I wanted to leave a comment in case that helps out the algorithm(?) promote your work. So, I thought I'd share a live-dubbed attempt for Ai-Dol, mixed in with stream commentary I exchanged with chat. I hope that and this helps bring some attention to your VN! We had lots of fun pondering over all the implications set forth by the plot. Shiyu was my favorite voice to perform for~


AHHH Thank you so much! I saw your amazing review and really wished there's an option to reply, I'm so happy you enjoyed the game and I absolutely love your analysis! <3 

And omg a live-dub...THAT'S AMAZING OMG I will defo be checking it out!!


awesome so awesome game. gorgeous. i have a lot to say but i have to preface it by saying it is so awesome great  awesome game. I've only gone through one ending as of now but... wao.... i had to run to make a comment....

Before I get all pensive on the themes and story I will compliment the art :333 So awesome. gorgeous., love your power of. art . gorgoeus. this is such a silly compliment but love your power of color and shadow and light and.... in general i really like how the sprites and cgs are colored!!!!! despite all the backgrounds being very vibrant the characters never do take a backseat and manage to remain a focal point, their color palettes are also very beautiful and work awesome in harmony. i also really enjoy the use of soft and hard shadows  . gorgeous... Mentioning the backgrounds I know they're edited public domain photos but. You edited them so well???? They don't ever feel jarring against the characters, and I could see the constant use of certain shapes to keep their stylization consistent. Like really if you didn't mention they were public domain I wouldn't be able to tell because of the care put into making sure they fit the setting and theming of the game...

Talking about the setting and theming of the game :333....  Damn..... Like it really makes you think. From second one I'm sitting here like damn... so scary how technology has advanced in such ways to make AI take over a lot of the tasks that belong to humans. In current times it does hit closer to the fears many people including myself have, regarding how companies have put their sights into finding technology to replacing the work and passion that comes from humans in order to save investments. With the special focus on the entertainment industry in here, it really does reflect those worries well. I was especially shaken up by the segment where you could see an AI short film described... shiver... BUT THAT'S NOT THE MAIN THING ABOUT THIS GAME THAT HAS ME LIKE. DAMN....

What I really did become intrigued by is how this game showcases the concept of: If you were to make an AI designed to be as realistically human as possible and train it to be as genuinely human acting, at a certain point, is that really still an emotionless robot or is that a person? That's the thing that really had me thinking here with the boys of AI-dol. Seeing them further develop their goofy personalities and human quirks really did make me pity them, specially the conversation with Shiyu where he expresses how he imagines a world where he isn't tied to a purpose and being human. Like at a certain point where does the line blur between AI and people when it comes to such advanced technology? This can be highlighted in how the Presevers, who while I completely understand where they're coming from -I can't imagine myself sitting idly while human businesses are being taken over AI, replacing us and the need for education and our passions, as if we were disposable...- attack the Ai-dol boys. The ways they attack them, is not simply how you would hack a computer. They are sent hate letters, stalked... The same attacks that would wear down a human idol and make their mental health suffer. These attacks really leave you thinking about where the line blurs on taking justice on AI taking our jobs and attacking a person. This point becomes specially stronger around the end of the game (at least in the ending i got, i got pacifist because I worried my choices would affect the boys despite Jun's livelihood being on the line www) where rights are introduced for AI bots. I too am concerned about what this implies and does for the humans in the universe, but with everything shown, I can't help but feel bad the AI bots in here, who are so advanced that they might as well begin to be in the trenches with us in a distant future. 

I don't know if i was meant to think that deeply about this visual novel but i sure did BECAUSE IT'S SOOOOOO GOOODD...... wonderful game. 10/10 do recommend OH YEAH. THE CHARACTERS!!!!! they're so charming love them i forgot to say that wwww thank you!!! sorry for any incomprehensible text i don't speak English natively ^^; though even then it's not like i took the time to properly punctuate or grammar check this www sorry


I've been smiling so hard reading your comment, I wanna say thank you so much!! Really glad you enjoyed the game, your kind words really made my day <3 and don't worry YOUR ENGLISH IS PERFECT

I absolutely LOVE your analysis on the themes, and you are very spot on about everything! 

It's definitely a very dystopian future where AI has taken over pretty much everything. At the same time, we sympathize with AI-dol because they are so human-like, and so it's like AI not only replacing technical jobs but also human relations. Which is kind of scary!

Also I love that you pointed out the Preservers using the same methods that are usually used on human idols. For an organization that insists AI-dol are machines, even they subconsciously treat AI-dol as humans. Tbh I had the most fun writing AI-dol's personalities so even I'm not immune HAHA

I'm so glad you love the characters and hope you enjoy the other endings as well! :D